Cambridge Hearing Trust

Grant Application Guidance

Cambridge Hearing Trust Charity Terms and Objectives 


  • The relief of persons with hearing loss. 


  • To undertake or assist in undertaking research into implantable devices for persons with hearing loss and publish the useful results of such research.


  • To undertake or assist in the further training and education of healthcare professionals involved in caring for persons with hearing loss requiring implantable devices. 

Types of Projects we have supported previously/ We look to support


  •  Assistance with the purchase of specialist hearing equipment or aids not available through the NHS which will benefit an individual or organisation.


  • Assist in funding hearing research in Cambridge through salary support or consumables. Please note that we would expect partnership funding from another organisation.


  • Support in building specialist hearing implant facilities within local hospital e.g., Addenbrookes Hospital, The new Emmeline Centre, Level 1.


  • Provision of funding for educational conferences/courses/ individual tuition to aid the better understanding and development of hearing implants amongst healthcare professionals.


  • Financial assistance for implantable device recipients in the Cambridge area to fund their transport cost to attend appointments, if not eligible for hospital/patient transport from their local authority/GP.

How to apply to the Cambridge Hearing Trust


    There are 3 different application forms available on our website:


  1. Research Grant Application

  2. Patient Support Request
  3. Educational Support Request – healthcare professional


    Please complete and submit only the one that is most appropriate to your circumstance/need.


  • For Patient Support request applications, if the applicant is under 18 years old the form must be completed in full by the parent or guardian.


  • For Educational Support Request applications for healthcare professionals, If your grant application is successful, support from the CHT will be conditional upon the successful completion of your academic course. The CHT requires evidence of course completion in a timely manner following the event. If the course is not completed/ fully achieved, the CHT will require a full refund, pending any extenuating unforeseen circumstances. Please notify us immediately, if this becomes the case. 


  • Requests for grants towards equipment or service should be supported by an up-to-date estimate from the supplier or provider. 


  • All grants for equipment/ services will be paid directly to the supplier or organisation, where possible upon receipt of appropriate invoice verifying the purchase of the equipment. 


  • The submission of an application does not guarantee that a grant will be made or that an accepted application will receive the full funding requested. 



When grants are allocated


  • The trustees meet 3 times per year (February, June, October) Fully submitted applications will be considered at the first available meeting. 


  • On submission of your application, you will be notified of the next trustees meeting date and any further information we may require will be requested prior to this. The lead applicant will be notified of the trustees’ decision within 10 days of the meeting. 


  • Grants cannot be retrospective. Requests for financial help for courses must be approved before the course has begun.

Please note


  • Your application form will be held on trustees’ personal computers until the decision has been made whereupon it will be deleted in a timely manner.


  • No part of the Application form is passed onto a 3rd Party. 


  • All copies of the application form are distributed to trustees electronically.